After six weeks in Colombia we were dreading the border crossing into Ecuador. The crossing is renowned to take for ages. The current unstable situation in Venezuela has lead to many fleeing their country and trying to cross into Ecuador. We were lucky tough – we checked out within minutes and only had to queue…Continue Reading “Ecuador: NYE in Quito and Exploring Volcano Pichincha”

The next few days were spent in the coffee region of Colombia, hanging out at the Finca Steelhorse in Filandia. This place is run by an English couple who have travelled on bikes and have now turned a small farm into a overlander guesthouse surrounded by a lovely garden with pigs and a horse. Josh…Continue Reading “Colombia: Exploring Coffee Lands and Volcano Nevado del Ruiz”

As we got closer to the Colombian coast the waters finally calmed down and we could see the lights of Cartagena just as the sun set. Early the next morning the boat’s crew started unloading the bikes at a nearby dock until the workers decided to stop the process because some of the papers where…Continue Reading “Colombia: From The Caribbean Cartagena to the Highland Villages”